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For Inside Security episode number 17 I had the honor of getting Daniel Stenberg on the podcast! He is possibly more known as bagder, but definately even more known for being the creator of curl. We had a really good timing talking about the origins of curl, how it started and the route it followed....
Alla borde aktivera två saker för minimera risken för identitetskapning Min rekommendation är att alla aktiverar tjänsterna “Spärra obehörig adressändring” hos Skatteverket och “Adresslåset” hos Adressändring, så det krävs BankID/e-legitimation för att göra flyttanmälan och adressändring. Det kostar ingenting och tar ungefär en minut att aktivera. En självklar sak att att göra för att undvika...
Why do we need phishing training in 2023? Lately I have seen this topic floating around Twitter and Linkedin, and almost every time I disagree with what I’m reading. The popular opinion right now – at least within my sphere of technical security professionals – is that phishing training is not (any longer?) needed and...
Episode #4 featured Jinny who is a star in the Swedish television show “Hackad”. As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun, which also applied to this talk and this interview ended up being almost 2½ hours long! Join in while we’re talking about penetration testing, red teaming, and a bunch of other...
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